16 amp 3-position Toggle Switch
25 Litre Water Heater - Wall Mounted
3 Kw 9” Immersion Heater- Incoloy
3/8” PVC Tube - 30 metre coil
Air Bell c/w pipe gland tube and clip
Aqua Spray Gun
Bartol Fitting 15mm
Chemical Entrainment Pick-Up-Tube & non return valve
Coil Udder Washer Unit Choose with or without guns and fittings
Coil Wash Gun with Fan Jet, fits Nylon Tube
Control Box Complete
Copper Coil Assembly for Coil Udder Washer (earlier coil washer)
Foot Spreaders - Each
HANDI WASH GUN with Fan Jet, fits Rubber or Plastic Hose
Lid Seal 15"x15" (for 10 gal heater P33 & Coil Washer P35
Magnetic Drive Recirculating Pump